To everyone born between the 1930s and early 1980s, congratulations! Your generation has lived through a time of incredible change, and your ability to adapt and thrive is something to be proud of. You grew up in an era without many of the safety nets and conveniences we have today, yet you emerged stronger and wiser.
Your childhoods were filled with adventures that would seem risky by today’s standards. You rode in cars without seatbelts, played with toys coated in lead-based paint, and drank water straight from the hose. You shared sodas with friends, ate sugary treats, and stayed active because you were always outside playing.
You didn’t have smartphones, video games, or the internet, but you had something even better: real friendships and the freedom to explore. You built go-carts, climbed trees, and invented games with whatever you could find. You learned to solve problems, handle disappointment, and take responsibility for your actions.
Your generation has given the world some of its greatest innovators and thinkers. The past 50 years of progress owe much to your creativity and resilience. So, take a moment to celebrate your journey and the incredible legacy you’ve built.