A Teacher’s Tricky Question and the Laughter That Followed

By Husnain Ali / November 1, 2024

Mrs. Parks, a 6th-grade science teacher, had a knack for making her lessons memorable. One day, she posed a tricky question to her class: “Which human body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?” The students sat in silence, unsure of how to respond.

Little Mary, however, was quick to react. She stood up and said, “That’s not a question you should be asking us! I’m going to tell my parents, and they’ll report you to the principal. You’ll lose your job!” Mrs. Parks ignored Mary’s outburst and repeated the question. Mary gasped and whispered to her classmates, “She’s really going to get in trouble for this!”

Finally, Billy, a quiet student, raised his hand and answered, “The pupil of the eye increases ten times its size when stimulated.” Mrs. Parks smiled and said, “Well done, Billy!”

Then, she turned to Mary and said, “Mary, I have three things to say to you. One, you have a dirty mind. Two, you didn’t read your homework. And three, one day you’re going to be very, very disappointed.” The class erupted in laughter, and Mary’s face turned bright red. It was a moment that combined science, humor, and a little bit of embarrassment.

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