For ten years, I believed my marriage to Eric was a partnership. But as time went on, the imbalance became glaringly obvious. I was managing work, household chores, and raising our children, while Eric’s contribution rarely went beyond his paycheck. I felt exhausted, unappreciated, and taken for granted.
The turning point came when I asked for just one hour to myself. His response—“Moms don’t get breaks”—was a wake-up call. It was clear my efforts were not valued, and I knew I couldn’t continue living this way.
When Eric suggested we have a third child, despite knowing how overwhelmed I already was, I realized nothing would change. I made the difficult decision to leave, choosing to prioritize my own well-being and happiness.
Leaving wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. With the love of my children and a renewed sense of self-respect, I’ve rebuilt my life and found the strength to move forward.