A Birthday Invitation Gone Wrong: Gift vs. Bill

My husband and I were happy to accept an invitation to my colleague’s birthday dinner at a upscale restaurant. I brought a thoughtful gift, assuming it was the proper gesture. The evening was pleasant, but things took a turn when I got home. I received a text from the birthday girl: “Thanks for coming. Your part of the bill is $190 + tip.” I was livid. I had already spent money on a gift, and now I was being asked to pay for an expensive dinner? I ignored the message at first, but later, I decided to respond. I wrote, “I think I have already paid you with the nice gift I brought ;).”

The next day at work, things got uncomfortable. As I walked in, I noticed people giving me odd looks. A colleague approached me and said, “Can you believe it? One of the girls didn’t pay her share of the dinner last night! How stingy!” I stayed silent, not revealing that it was me. But the real shock came when I found the gift I had given her sitting on my desk. She had returned it!

I still feel her actions were inappropriate. If you’re inviting people to your birthday celebration, shouldn’t you be covering the costs? Expecting guests to bring a gift and pay for a pricey meal seems unfair. Was I wrong to refuse?

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