Thick toenails can be a source of discomfort and embarrassment, but there’s a simple home remedy that can help. My grandmother, who has a knack for natural solutions, shared this effective method using common household items.
Thick toenails can develop due to fungal infections, aging, injuries, or poor circulation. This remedy focuses on softening, cleaning, and gradually improving the nails without causing damage.
To get started, gather warm water, white vinegar, baking soda, a basin, a soft-bristled nail brush, a pumice stone or nail file, and moisturizing lotion or oil. Begin by soaking your feet in warm water mixed with half a cup of white vinegar for 20 minutes to soften the nails. After soaking, gently scrub the nails with a nail brush to remove debris.
Next, apply a paste made from baking soda and water to the toenails, letting it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing. Carefully file down the thickened nails using a pumice stone or nail file, being cautious not to overdo it. Finish by applying moisturizing lotion or oil to keep the nails and surrounding skin hydrated.
This method works by softening the nails with vinegar, gently exfoliating with baking soda, and gradually reducing thickness through filing. For best results, maintain good foot hygiene, trim nails regularly, and wear breathable footwear. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare professional.