Amy Schumer and John Cena’s Comedy Love Scene Was More Awkward Than It Looked

Amy Schumer recently shared her experience filming one of the most memorable scenes from Trainwreck, the 2015 comedy in which she starred alongside John Cena. The hilarious and exaggerated love scene between the two actors has become the subject of many jokes, and Schumer now admits that it’s something she has “major regrets” about.

Cena, known for his roles in action movies and comedies, played Steven, a fitness-loving boyfriend who gets entangled with Schumer’s character. Their bedroom scene was anything but typical, with ridiculous dialogue and over-the-top physical comedy.

Schumer joked during an interview that Cena was “inside her” during the scene, later clarifying that it was just part of the performance. She also laughed about how challenging it was to keep a straight face while filming, adding that it felt like a refrigerator was on top of her due to Cena’s massive build.

What made things even more awkward? Cena never told his then-fiancée about the scene, which he admitted later made the situation uncomfortable. Schumer, however, found humor in it and even joked that she regretted not getting to “feel his balls.”

Cena later discussed the filming process on a podcast, revealing how choreographed and technical love scenes actually are. He pointed out that despite how intimate it may appear on screen, the reality is that there’s a full crew watching and directing the actors.

Schumer continued to poke fun at the scene, even making an Instagram post where she joked about how much it meant to her. In the end, both stars can laugh about the experience, showing that even the most awkward moments can turn into great comedy.

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